E-learning Team in Dar Al Hikma school

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Machinto Project ... enjoy

Dar Al Hikma's students have participated in Machinto project in which they read a story called 'Machinto' which means 'I want more' in English. The Japanese story books were sent earlier this year from Yoko Takagi in Japan by the post mail. The students felt very sad when they were reading the story of the little Japanese girl and they wanted to show their care and interest by writing stories and drawing pictures that carry the theme of 'war and peace'. The students also wrote in the website forum expressing their feelings about the story.

The stories and pictures will be sent to 'Yoko Takagi' Machinto project facilitator in order to send them to places affected by wars.

On behalf of Dar Al Hikma school students: Thank you Yoko!

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A letter from Canada written by Our Omani Teddy Bear

Dear So-Mi,

I hope that you are having a great time in Oman! What is it like there? Tell me about your school and what you would do if you went for a visit home with a student for a night. Have you celebrated any special holidays? What kinds of foods do you eat there? Do you have any good recipes of your favourite foods?

I am having a great time in Canada. Mrs. Tucker’s class is really nice and I have travelled home for a night and I tried some neat things. Each day the students in this class come to school at 8:50 am. The begin each day of school by singing O Canada (their national anthem) and listening to the school announcements. There are a lot of great activities that the students can participate in like choir and sports teams (basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer). After announcements, we practice our reading and writing by going to different centres with our partner while Mrs. Tucker calls small groups of students to read with her. Then it is snack time! We eat for 20 minutes then go outside for 25 minutes to play in the school yard. After recess we work on a writing assignment then we have Mrs. Lamb come to our class to teach us science or drama or art! Next we have lunch, we eat for 20 minutes then go outside for 30 minutes. After lunch we have math. Other subjects that we study are physed, dance, music, library, and we have learning buddies once a week with a class in grade 7 where we share what we have been learning to each other.

We just had one week of vacation from school called March Break. It is not a national holiday, it is just a holiday from school. Some parents still have to work so they go and visit family or go to a daycare. Other families go on vacation to some place warm or they stay home and go on day trips to visit the local attractions.

I am having a great time but I am starting to get homesick and I think I will come back to you soon.

Miss. Bear

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The Canadian Moose in Oman

Part of the Teddy Bear project, Dar Al Hikma's students have received the Canadian Moose which represents one of the most important symbols of Canada. The Omani students have welcomed the Canadian Moose with opened arms and smiling faces

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The Teddy Bear Project: Oman and Canada

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The Green Wave Campaign

Dar Al Hikma's students have participated in The Green Wave Campaign in which they planted a mango tree with thousands of children around the world. Then they posted their photos and paragraphs describing their amazing experience in the GWC website.

Dar Al Hikma's children participating in the GWC

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